Alarm & Response Services
The vast majority of home alarms are useless.
An alarm system is no longer an effective deterrent to burglary. As more people have burglar alarms installed in their homes, the deterrent value of those systems decreases. Market saturation has significantly reduced the deterrent value that alarms once had.

So why have an alarm?
The most important reason for installing an alarm system is to generate an immediate response. That’s it. An alarm provides notification that something that requires immediate attention could be underway. It may be a burglary, flood, fire or medical emergency.
An alarm provides information that has an incredibly short shelf life. Without an immediate response, it doesn’t matter how much you spent on your alarm system. It’s just a loud noise. It’s certainly not worth paying a monthly fee for.
The Police are not coming.
The vast majority of all alarms are false. That’s why Police Departments all over North America have instituted verified response or non-response policies. In Vancouver, the average VPD response time to an unverified alarm is 2 hours and 6 minutes. In Whistler, the RCMP will not respond at all. Click here to learn more about why Police will not respond to alarms.
Only Provident solves the immediate response problem
Provident’s guaranteed five minute response service, combined with several ‘five-minute proofing’ strategies in your home is the most effective way to minimize your risk of loss during a burglary.
Everything about our company is built around our immediate response guarantee. It’s why we have tightly defined geographic areas of service. It’s why we go to great lengths to secure and manage the thousands of house keys that we are entrusted with. It’s why we built our own 24/7 Operations Centre in Kerrisdale to monitor all of our client’s alarm and video signals. It’s why you’ll see our bright yellow vehicles all over the Westside of Vancouver, and Whistler, 24 hours a day.
Sound too good to be true?
Like many things, seeing is believing. We lead regular tours through our offices and Operations Centre so that you can see exactly what’s happening on the other end of your alarm. We also host home security seminars in our showroom each month. Give us a call or just stop by, we’d love to show you around.
Getting started with Provident
Whether you are interested in learning about switching from your current alarm provider to Provident, or are interested in installing a brand-new system in your home, getting started with Provident is easy.
I already have an alarm
Read More About Switching To Provident
I’m interested in installing a new alarm
Installation Services
Provident has assembled a first class team of professional alarm technicians who install the latest alarm, CCTV and access control systems.
Read More about how installation works and what we can do for you.

Monitoring & Response Services
The most important reason for installing an alarm system is to generate an immediate response.
Read more on the intrusion detection monitoring services we provide.

Book An Appointment Today
Real security takes more than just an alarm. Our security professionals will show you how to five-minute proof your home or business so that you get the most out of your security investment.
Book Appointment